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Charming Female Ball Python Seeking New Home in Greenwood, Indiana: Complete With Cage, Perfect for Reptile Enthusiasts!

  • Breed :
  • Pet age : 2.5 years
  • Price/Rehome Fee : 400

Seeking a Loving Home for a Beautiful Reptile in Need

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We understand that the decision to rehome a pet is never an easy one. Right here in our community, close to the heart of Indiana, an incredible – foot long, girthy reptile is patiently waiting for a new home. She is a remarkable creature, with years of life and countless experiences to share. If you’re a reptile enthusiast looking for a unique addition to your family, this could be the perfect fit for you.

Over the past three years, this extraordinary reptile has been lovingly cared for by a dedicated owner. She’s a strong feeder, never missing a meal, and enjoys her diet of adult mice and smaller rats. Despite a busy schedule, her current owner has ensured she gets fed every weekend without fail. Her healthy diet reflects in her robust size, adding to her captivating presence.

One of the most memorable features of this reptile is her vivarium. It’s a spacious -foot long cage that she loves to stretch across almost completely. This goes to show her active nature and how much she enjoys exploring her surroundings. However, lately, her current owner has been unable to give her the attention and time she needs and deserves. As a result, she has developed a slight aggression when being taken out of her cage, a sign of her longing for more interaction and activity.

With a heavy heart, her current owner has decided to rehome her, hoping to find a family that can offer her the care, time, and love she craves. This decision wasn’t made lightly – it’s rooted in the desire for her to have a better, more fulfilled life. If you’re someone who can provide her with the attention and care she needs, this could be an incredible opportunity to add a unique pet to your family.

So, are you ready to open your heart and home to this magnificent creature? You can find her listing on the Pets Home App, a dedicated platform helping pet owners ensure ethical rehoming. The app offers a seamless experience for those looking to rehome, buy, sell or adopt puppies, dogs, cats, kittens, rabbits, and other exotic pets near you or worldwide. This reptile is just one of the many pets waiting for a loving home on the app.

By choosing to adopt this reptile, you’re not only giving her a better life but also making a positive impact on the local pet community in Indiana. Remember, every pet deserves a loving home, and you could be the one to provide that for this extraordinary reptile. Explore the Pets Home App today and consider making a meaningful difference in a pet’s life.

Keywords: Rehome pets Indiana, Pets Home App, Adopt Reptiles, Exotic Pets, Local Pet Community, Ethical Pet Rehoming

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