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Belgian Malinois Siberian husky mix puppies

  • Breed : Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)
  • Pet age : 1 month
  • Price/Rehome Fee : 1,300

Temperament & Intelligence of the Belusky
These dogs may be too smart for their own good. They are so intelligent that they can get very bored when they have nothing to do. Both Huskies and Malinois are bred for hard work, so they will benefit from always having a job to do—even if it’s just chewing on their latest toy.

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Idle time can leave a lot of room for mischief. If you leave your Belusky alone with nothing to occupy their thoughts, you can bet that’s a recipe for trouble. These dogs can be highly destructive without a proper channel for their boundless energy.

The Belusky has a thirst for knowledge, so you can teach them to do just about anything. They make fantastic guard dogs, work dogs, and exercise buddies. They will be loyal to a fault, respecting the friendship the two of you have.

Belusky’s can go a few ways in terms of temperament. They can be silly and playful, or they may be aloof and stoical. Huskies tend to be more on the goofy side, always clowning around and ready to have fun. The Malinois can be on the serious side without much time for fun and games. In the end, though, it greatly depends on the dog.

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