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Russian Blue Kittens need forever homes

  • Breed : Russian Blue
  • Pet age : 6 months old, 3 1/2 months old, 2 1/2 months
  • Price/Rehome Fee : 25

Hi, i caught a 3 pregnant cat mommas that were strays i have been feeding in my yard. The momma of these is part mancoon and part gray and white tabby. The 3 1/2 week olds, are semi long hair because of their mancoon grandpapa cat who is solid white gray mancoon which had a female kitty who named fluff muffin but we have nicknamed her chunk and ahe has long hair. The papa of the kittens shown in the pictures is my russian blue boy which i rescued also. The baby kittens need a forever home asap so i came on here to offer a re-homing for them. I will be posting a couple different ads because we can only put 3 pictures and we have a few litters of babies we rescued. Approximately 2 1/2 months old, another set of kittens is approximately 3 1/2 months old and the oldest set is approximately 6 months old. My teenage daughters and i have potty trained all of them, they are very good with using the litter boxes. All the kitties are spoiled with tons of love, hugs and kisses daily. we love them and will miss them dearly. all of them have sweet little personalities and we have named all of them because i want them to feel loved. they are amazing sweet little babies who we need to find forever homes for as soon as possible because we can not keep them all. My daughters and i have been trying to catch the other older kitties out side, which we feed in our back yard. We love those sweet kitties too. i just want to help control the kitty population in our neighborhood because there are a couple of the female kitties outside who had the baby kittens that way we can get them spayed so they won’t have to suffer always getting pregnant because they are semi-strays considering we have been feeding them for the last 3 years. Please help us find forever homes for these babies. We have female and male kittens who love playing/wrestling with each other, with their toys, and climbing their kitty tree and running around playing together. ♡♡♡♡

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